Friday 19 October 2012

The Dawkins Illusion

Traditionally, the more humble a person is, the greater is their spirituality.

In atheism, it's the opposite.

The more arrogant and clever a person thinks they are, the greater esteem they are held in by lesser atheists.

This is understandable once one realises that evangelical atheism is a form of satanism.

Now if one wants to get involved in arguments about the existence of God one merely has first to point to those like Dawkins delivering arguments.  Well, call them arguments, which even a second former (well, a second former in my old school) could shred.

A display of arrogance and superiority of being is the key element in their thesis.

Dawkins even joins the holocaust denial types, talking about "if Jesus ever existed".

These atheists are also very fond of Modern Physics.

Atheists believe that a cat in a box is neither dead nor alive and that contradictions can co-exist.

Now Aristotle could be called the Father of Modern Physics, founded on contradictions.

Aristotle was the first recorded writer to point out that from a contradication one can prove anything.

After all, if we have A and  Not A, then we have A.  Therefore we have A or B, where B is anything you like. But we don't have A, therefore we have B.

Therefore, Modern Physics can prove anything - indeed I recall a physics lecturer mumbling under his breath that 'they' made it up as they go along.

Being able to prove anything, the atheist also claims modern physics proves God doesn't exist.

Now, after pointing to the atheists, turn your attention to the real scientists.

The British of course, who developed classical physics.

Now all these real scientists believed in God!


  1. Einstein believed in God

    1. Einstein believed in Einstein. He cleverly started off the pop star culture in modern physics, well, call it physics.
