Sunday 25 August 2024

Without SOUND Reform – Reform Party is just another Party

There are two ignored current laws that could turn the country the right way round again, and destroy ‘political correctness’ and the New Left. 


 1. Any real political reform in the UK has to destroy the political virus that has infected every element of politics and government today. That virus of course is New Left ideology. 

 2. It was firmly established by sexual sociopath Peter Mandelson turning Labour into the New Left Party under the guise of home grown ‘New Labour’. 
Mass immigration and multi-culturalism was a tool to weaken society to enable homosexuality ‘equality’ being established within the smokescreen of equality for race, religion etc. (Of course some, like homosexuals, were more equal than others, like Christians). 

 3. The New Left came about as a loose coalition in the 70’s amongst three diabolical groups – dedicated communists, extemist hippies, and extremist homosexuals including followers of Wienberg, who claimed that it is normal heterosexuality that is a mental illness which he called ‘homophobia’ [1], not homosexuality treated then as a mental illness. 

4. Some of the fruits of its 3 arms are: 

From Communists - Introduced the term ‘political correctness’ first used to describe Stalin’s policies.

From Hippies – Crazed environmental policies 

From Extremist Homosexuals - New Left homonym word ‘marriage’ to mean an amoral sexual relationship as opposed to the normal word, the homonym replacing the normal word in Statute.

5.  New Left ideology has also made Mad Hatter English the English of officialdom, where New Left words like ‘racist’, ‘homophobic’ [1] ‘sexist’ can mean anything the speaker wants. And whatever the meaning, it’s bad, in the New Left witch hunt of those it hates – those who used to be called reasonable persons, now to be ‘cancelled’. 

6. New Left ideology is also responsible for the Police describing promotions of sexual morality as ‘hate incidents’ [2] as introduced by criminal (under exiting law) ACPO. 

7. New Left ideology was spread by Common Purpose – a purported executive training organisation that claimed charitable status for its large profits from government departments and the Police, on the grounds that it provided a public service teaching those in the Police and Government how they should use their impersonal power for the public good, by becoming creative with it (ie abuse of power, such as created ACPO’s ‘Hate Crime – Delivery a Quality Service’; introducing opening up police files on subjective ‘hate incidents’;  emphasising abolition of reason in its execution –“the apparent lack of motivation of the incident is not relevant, only the perception of the victim or another person”). 


 1. There are two laws that can destroy the virus of the New Left. 

 New Left gurus – modern day criminal masterminds whom we must give their due, as cold geniuses, unlike their rent-a-crowd mindless ‘politically correct’ followers - are perfectly aware of these, and grateful no-one, not even the Reform Party, has threatened their efforts. 

2. It was a New Left guru who pointed out to me the achilles heel of the New Left Revolution – Section 5(3) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. I see it as the weak point of the Death Star of the New Left. 

Section 5(3) of the Criminal Law Act 1977 brought the common law offence of conspiracy to corrupt public morals into statutory law.  
This was clearly designed to counter the growing promotion of ‘pride’ in sexual immorality, particularly homosexual sex. 
‘Pride’ that has helped lead to over 40 million already dead from AIDS and millions more infected. 
  So nihilistic is the New Left, that its stronghold in Government and the NHS enabled AIDS not to be classed as a notifiable disease to help halt its spread (because of normal homosexuals who it was claimed would stigmatise). 

 3. The other law is the ignored common law offence of Misconduct in Public Office. Certainly David Cameron, instructing the Civil Service not to prepare for a Yes Brexit Vote should have been prosecuted. 

 4 No wonder Stonewall [1] a legal charity following the New Left takeover of the Charities Commission, but still a criminal organisation under Section 5(3) of the Criminal Law Act 1977, whilst mentoring it’s minions in government, has pressed for common law to be abolished. 

5  However, just imagine the impact it would make if the Reform Party promised to bring people like David Cameron to justice. People love a political hanging and there is scope for guillotining not seen since the French Revolution! 


I believe that without a clear commitment and plan to eradicate the political virus of New Left ideology, the virus will eventually take over the Reform Party. 

I’ve seen it happen in other organisations. 

 [1] In the earlier sixties the phrase ‘homophobia’ was actually used as a joke word amongst lighter hearted homosexuals. Weinberg’s ridiculous reasoning, which he gave in an interview, was that it was irrational for people to be so critical of sodomy, yet seemed to accept heterosexual kinks which he admitted to be into. Therefore there was something wrong with these people, which he termed ‘homophobia’. 

Followers of Weinberg also glorified in the drunken 2 am and 3 am violence against Police by homosexual prostitutes and their clients - throwing ashtrays and glasses at the Police, after drinking in the unlicensed pub, Stonewall, in the sixties when it was raided on several nights. 

Raids of unlicensed pubs frequented by heterosexuals, raided at the same time went peacefully – that never gets mentioned in the spin of Stonewall. 

The violence was since spun as justified criminality by sexual psychos and sociopaths, now controlling the country after decades of fanatical networking with the other two extremist groups of the New Left. 

[2] I once had a phone call from a senior secretary  ACPO, clearly unimpressed with what was going on at the criminal New Left centre of policing. 

 Never in the history of satanism have I seen morality being treated as hatred. 

I believe the New Left is a stronger spiritual evil than Nazism or Stalinism, albeit a far less physical evil. We are dealing with souls, not dead bodies and torture.